Friday, April 27, 2012

Does Fr鑼卍鑼卹ic Fekkai Beach Waves Tousled Wave Spray work well?

I have naturally wavy and slightly curly hair, but i want my curls to look defined and silky. I loooooveeeee that beachy look, and I saw the Fr鑼卍鑼卹ic Fekkai Beach Waves Tousled Wave Spray the other day at Victoria's Secret. Does anybody know if this works well? Does anybody know any similar products that can give me the tousled, wavy, and silky hair that I want? Thank you!

Does Fr鑼卍鑼卹ic Fekkai Beach Waves Tousled Wave Spray work well?

aha well first of all, we have the same name. lol. i just noticed the shhhhannnon thing and it caught my eye. aha. and second the Fr鑼卍鑼卹ic Fekkai Beach Waves Tousled Wave Spray id most likely your best bet, my friend has it and it works GREAT. her hair always looks so pretty. a cheaper product that will give you about the same look for less money but wont truley define the curls as much is garneir fructus curl/wave serum. you can find that at any local drug store cuh as CVS, WALGREENS,ECKERED, etc. hope that works out for you =]

Does Fr鑼卍鑼卹ic Fekkai Beach Waves Tousled Wave Spray work well?

I was JUST ABOUT to ask this question... let me know how they work for you, I'm gonna go out and buy them..sorry I couldn't be of more help hah

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