Friday, April 20, 2012

Dog hair...ewwww?

we have a black lab....shes always been allowed on the furniture till we got a new couch and luvseat. there is always black hair all over the new furniture. and with it being so hot she sheds so bad. I have to vacuum everyday, and the hair doesnt even all come off. The furniture is a light tan and the black hair is really noticable. how can i keep her off? is there something i can spray on it that she wouldnt like the smell?

Dog hair...ewwww?

In most pet departments, they have sprays that keep pets out of areas that you spray it on. Also, give him his own bed and show him that it's his. You might have to confine him in that area for a while, so he gets the idea. Also, use treats to get him to lay there, and praise him alot when he lays there, until he gets the message. It's always a good idea to not allow your pets on furniture anyway. Too often, we treat our pets better than our own family, and allow them more leeway than our kids. And if you ask most pet owners, that's just fine for them! But it's not good for our pets to lay on our furniture. Why is that, you say? Because no one wants to sit on your furniture and get hair all over their clothes, no matter how much they say they don't mind. While I see nothing wrong with treating pets as one of the family, they do need to have their own spots, where they can be themselves to their hearts content. Just like us, they need their own spaces. I would try to talk to an obedience expert or vet and see what they suggest. %26lt;*)))%26gt;%26lt;

Dog hair...ewwww?

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Dog hair...ewwww?

There are products that work like that, but I'm not sure how effective they will be when the dog already has the habit of getting on the furniture. Here's one

Dog hair...ewwww?

you need to get a fine tooth style comb and brush her and get the hair foliceles deeper to the skin so she sheds less. And also, everytime she gets on the couch or you see her on it, kick her off, then give her a treat. she'll learn

Dog hair...ewwww?

Yes but you probaly wouldn't like it either, best thing to do is have a big no after she jumps on.You can also use a stripper brush on her for the shedding.

Dog hair...ewwww?

yes there is go to the local pet store they should have it and it does really work

Dog hair...ewwww?

Don't let the dog in where the couches are unless you are home, then everytime the lab tries to jump on the couch, clap your hands really loud and say no in a deep voice (almost a growl). This worked with my lab. It's going to take a week or so though to get her used to it.

Dog hair...ewwww?

Well definitly don't hit her... but you can check local pet stores and ask them if there is any kind of replent for dogs.. or every time she jumps up.. tell her no.. i am sure after awhile she will get the hint.. or put slip covers on your couches..

good luck

Dog hair...ewwww?

use duct tape to get the hair off and place a bowl of winger on the table next to the chair it acts as an air freshener....

Dog hair...ewwww?

dont sprya, use mouse traps

Dog hair...ewwww?

Well, it's hard for an old dog to break a habit. Especially if they don't know what they are doing is wrong. But I would try my best to simply train it not to go on the furniture. But don't use negative reinforcement. Just get it in the habit of not going on the furniture. Or you could buy it a used piece of furniture that is specifically for him to lay on. We let out dogs on the furniture but they shed very little.

Dog hair...ewwww?

Your dog has been allowed to sit on the furniture all this time, it's not really fair to refuse to allow it now. I have a Beagle myself so I have to deal with the shedding as well. Bathing her once a month and brushing her (outside) every day helps soooo much to cut down on the amount of fur in the house!

Dog hair...ewwww?

You'll have to train her to stay off the couch. Try treats. Call her off the couch and say good girl and treat her immediately. keep doing this over and over again till she is happy lying at your feet. It will take some time, but it will work with persistence. Do not yell. She will not understand.

You may try brushing her everyday to keep the fur down. We found a great grooming tool for our Retriever.. it's called a ferminator. It's a comb/razor. Works wonderfully. Only problem is it cost about $80 Canadian... but was worth every single penny. This tool grabs the undercoat which is the part that keeps shedding.

Good luck.

Dog hair...ewwww?

Coming from another direction here, brush and Vac your dog...also there is a item for horses That has small metal teeth like a saw but duller, that bends and is attached to a leather handle at each end, it gets my labs loose hair before the couch and he likes it. Otherwise try putting stuff on the couch so he can't fit on it.

Dog hair...ewwww?

It was a mistake to start letting your dog on the furniture. If you try to correct her now she won't know way and as soon as your back it turned be on the furniture again. There are two choices be patient and persistant in correcting this behaviour or get a throw cover. If something smelled bad to the dog it will smell bad to you.

Dog hair...ewwww?

u could put blankets on the couch, thats what we do so everyones happy, it will also make your furniture last longer and will protect it against spills

Dog hair...ewwww?

well try going to a pet shop and ask if they have any thing that cleans off the couch completly also train your lab with commands like down or off keep practicing it until she gets it into mind and yes there is a spray that keeps her off but i forgot the name it is at a pet shop called pets smart it keeps a strong smell that dogs hate and like to be away from

Dog hair...ewwww?

You can buy scat mats to use when you are not home to correct her. They are electrified mats that will give a slight shock anytime she jumps on the couch. Give it a few days and she will learn.

You can also try buying a slip cover for the couch and take it off when company comes over.

My dogs are couch dogs but they are trained that they can only get on the couch where I put their blanket. Therefor, their fur gets on their washable blanket and not the couch. If I don't want them on the couch because of company, I just put their blankets in their crates or on their doggy beds and they go there. It's a great option if you are willing to take the time to train her.

Dog hair...ewwww?

Keep working with her, You can teach her to stay off of the furniture!!! We adopted a setter(5 to 7 years old) that thought she should be able to sit on ALL the furniture and the beds, We made her 2 beds (one in the living room and in bedroom on the floor) that she now uses!! It takes awhile and she does sneak the couch once in a while. I also when we first started to break her of this habit laid things on the beds and furniture that prevented her from getting on them. Pillows or magazines or newspapers. You can do this. My Dad has a cat that sheds like mad and he has one of those lint roller things in his house so when I come to visit I can roll all of the cat hair off before I sit. It is quite sticky and works great on hair!!

Dog hair...ewwww?

get a large towel and place on the couch. teach her to sit on the towel when she want on the furniture. I have two dogs and that is what we do for them. Its not fair to make animals stay away from furniture that is the only way they can be close to you and be happy.

Dog hair...ewwww?

I just deal with the fur.... I bought a little rubber brush that helps a little, but the dog will just crawl up there when I'm not looking. Oh well.

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