Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Hair products, for volume and straightness?

I just recently got my hair cut, shorter and with LOTS of layers. I love it, and I like to wear it straight. I have pretty wavy hair, and it's also lacking volume. Do you know any CHEAP store products I can purchase that will make my hair straighter and give it more volume, without makin it curly? Like shampoo, conditioner, mosse, gel, putty, spray, or any kind of good product. Also what is a really good hairspray, cheap, that holds your hair and doesn't make it too stiff?

Good Hair products, for volume and straightness?

Well, I have hair like that and I use the shampoo, conditioner, and 24 hour cream from Sunsilk Straighten-Up. Sunsilk has other types of hair products as well, so if that's not what you're looking for you'll be able to choose. It great and inexpensive stuff you can get at Target or Wal-Mart, so you should try it! As for hairspray, just don't use it because in my opinion it doesn't work too great unless you get really expensive hairspray. Hope I've helped, and good luck to you!

Good Hair products, for volume and straightness?

well,john freida works very well,but since u r worried bout pricing,id say sunsilk

Good Hair products, for volume and straightness?

Try L'Oreal Volume Maxx and L'Oreal Hot Straight.

You're blessed with wavy hair. I'd like to make a suggestion: After washing your hair, towel dry it for a bit - just leave it about 20% damp.

1) Bend over and while your hair is upside-down, apply L'Oreal Volume Maxx (you might appreciate the instructions at the back since your hair is shorter now). The position will help in volumising.

2) Spray on a bit of the L'Oreal Hot Straight because it has good heat-protect properties.

3)Blowdry your hair.

Do all this while still in the bent position. When you've finished, whip straight back up. I hope you enjoy the results.

Follow your bliss.

Good Hair products, for volume and straightness?

What I do is I use a volumizing shampoo.. Herbal Essences Body Envy is pretty good. Then I use a sleeking/straightening conditioner. Sunsilk has a pretty good one, I think it is in a purple bottle. I'm pretty sure Dove has a sleeking one also, but I got it in Europe so I dont know if they have it in North America (if thats where you are).

When my hair is damp I use a mouse for extra hold and volume, then I use a straightening creme.. I use a L'oreal one in a pink bottle. The reason for why I use a mix of volumizing and straightening products is because the straigtening products are only applied at the middle-ends (not the roots). Soo... the roots are volumized and the ends are going to be easier to straighten. I use Alberto hairspray but I spray it in my hands then rub it onto my hair so its not so stiff and icky!

Good luck!!! Hope it helped!

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