Monday, April 23, 2012

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

Okay, well- my parents have been major smokers since I was born. They're always constantly lighting a cig in my face. They can't quit, and refuse to smoke outside. I keep my clothes away in a closet, but they still reek of smoke and so does my hair- no matter how many showers I take! Is there a certain spray that will COMPLETELY eliminate this odor?

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

febreeze febreeze febreeze

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

Step 1 : shave your hair

Step 2 : learn to live naked

Hope it helped...

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

The best solution to your problem is to Fabreeze your clothes and self as you leave the home. I keep some in the laundry room and also the hall closet for spritzing things as they come in from parties, clubs and social events that include smokers. Although trying to avoid them as best as I can, I usually cannot escape the smokey smell that comes from them smoking in my airspace. So a little Fabreeze helps with that. Also, in the laundry room for those items that are not fresh and need dry cleaning, I can usually squeak another wearing or two out of them by a little, you guessed it, Fabreeze spritz. For removing the smell of smoke from rooms, after a party, or when smokers have visited your room, try bowls of white vinegar placed strategically around the room. Kills the smoke smell nicely, and a cheap easy fix. Good luck honey, hope this helps you!

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

you could try to wash the clothes or when you get outside you could try to put some perfume on.

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

First of all you are being harmed by your parents smoking around you. Even if you are in a different room. You are essentailly smoking with no filter and they are using the filter so that is why it is worse for you than them. You say they wont smoke outside? Well that seems a little selfish to me but maybe you need to sit them down and explain how harmful it is to you and how your clothes and your hair smell all the time. You are not asking them to stop smoking, but just to go outside or even in a garage if you have one. Unfotunately febreeze yes will mask the smell but it is always there wether you can smell it or not. Other people will always smell it around you.

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

i am so sorry,please dont EVER SMOKE!!!!! one day you will have your OWN PLACE. P.S. please try NOT to breath the second hand smoke???? it kills. they should really care. hasnt their been enough said about it already.? maybe they can use a certain room and make it their smoking lounge ? not a commom area where the other family members are who dont smoke? at least ask?? i would if my kids asked.for real.

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

Febreeze works, but since you have to go back home, it won't last long. Pray that they can quit. It is very hard.

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

I absolutely know what ur talking about.I have parents who smoke and I've asked them a million times to do it somewhere else.My clothes are constantly smelling of smoke and so is my rug in my room and all my bedding.Then they always complain because I always wash my blankets.Well if they'd quit smoking I wouldn't have to wash everything so much!!!!!Thank god in 4 years I'll be out on my own!Well I always spray frebreeze in my room but it still doesn't do much but thats all I do beside loading on lots of perfume.

My parents smoke, and my hair/clothes smell terrible. What do I do?

febreeze might work. We have an ionizer machine at work that removes odors like smoke from the rooms, it might work in the closet too.

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