Monday, April 23, 2012

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

I'm black, and when I had it totally natural, I used to have really tight curls in my hair for the first day or two after I washed it, and then it would get frizzy. Since then, I've gotten a texturizer in my hair, and I get a really nice curl on the top layers of hair after I've put in a few products (gel, setting lotion, anti-frizz spray, and, on occasion, leave-in conditioner). I'm pretty happy with the results on top, but I notice that my hair stays frizzy underneath the top layer of hair.

My question is what to do with the majority of my hair, so it looks nice and curly throughout, instead of frizzy. Should I use different products? Not air-dry my hair? Different shampoo? Go to a salon and ask them to put some more texturizer in? If you have any fairly low-maintenance answers, I'd be especially happy.

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

I don't know - but I've starred the question so I can find out. There's a reason the hair on my avatar is up .. lol

Mine is the opposite of yours, it's the under layers that stay "nice" and the top that goes haywire. My curl is not uniform, it's MUCH curlier (tight ringlets) on the top than it is underneath.

I've never found anything that "really" works. I have a closet full of frizz-ease When it doesn't look "right", I twist it up and go. If the top of your hair is the acceptable bit - just wear your hair up when you aren't pleased with the way it behaves - saves a lot of stress! There's a lot of freedom in going with the flow. I stopped fighting it 10 years ago, and it's like losing a ball and chain.

The more goo you use, the drier your hair gets, the frizzier it will be. Avoid anything with alcohol in it like the plague. Does it dry your hair out too much to wash it every other day? You could do that - using baby shampoo (or NO shampoo at all), with a leave in conditioner/scalp conditioner.

No dry heat. Humidity and steam are good for the curls. A steam unit can moisten and restore curl without drying the hair like products can.

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

always shampoo it conditioner it while u r taking a bath.....

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

I also have the opposite hair is nicely curled underneath and weird in the canopy area. There is a solution. I've started reading a book especially for curly haired women it's called "Curly Girl: The handbook" by Lorraine Massey. It's got tons of home made recipes for hair health and loads of tips on color, cut, styles and more. It's worth the $10....get it!

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

Botanicals has a great moisturizer gel and foam wrap that works good for this type of hair. Actually, when I'm not wearing a weave, I wear my hair in its natural state using these products. "Air drying" is never good; it's going to go frizzy. But, you can air dry with these products; dries in the style you combed it. Texturizing was a great move also. It helps relax the natural curl to a wavy state. The above products keeps the style after you've texturized. Shampoos/Conditioners with moisturizers are best.

Stay away from alcohol based products; or, use products with minimal alcohol. Alcohol is drying and doesn't work well for any curl. Shampoo, Condition, apply the products (foam, then moisturizer), and style. Lowest maintenance I believe there is.

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

go to a good hair salon and let them wash your hair with a good shampoo and condtion it good. then flat iron it or hot comb it!

What should I do with my frizzy, very thick hair?

i dont know since ive not many people of color in my life especially women just on and off but i just talked to a gal i went to school with when i was in second grade she looked like my buddy and yep it was my buddies sister maybee you need some of that hair crak like in that movie i love frizzy hair i cant stand it when people think there hair sucks and it looks so sexy and they just want to put them self down why cant they just go with it i bet it looks just fine but your bored or something and you gotta mess with it later dudedette be cool baby

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