Monday, April 23, 2012

Will Nasal Strips/ Spray work if person is snoring through their mouth?

I searched yahoo answers and found that Nasal Strips/Spray works well for those who snore but will it help those who snore through their mouth? My brother who sleeps next to my bed breaths though his mouth only so how can nasal strips/sprays help him if hes not breathing though his nose?

Also he refuses to sleep on his side because hes caution of getting more severe acne due to the pillow getting oily from his hair. He sleeps only on his back.

To add to all this, I have somewhat of an insomnia problem. I sometimes lie on my bed for hours and hours just thinking and thinking. Plus with his snoring, it makes me think even more.....

Please do help :)

Will Nasal Strips/ Spray work if person is snoring through their mouth?

They can help. Think about it, why does a person snore? Because he cannot breathe through his nose very well. So the purpose of nasal strips/spray is to open the nasal passages so one can breathe better. This may eliminate the snoring. If the problem persists, you can always check with your doctor about other possible treatments. Same thing with the insomnia. Your doctor should be able to suggest something for that too.

Will Nasal Strips/ Spray work if person is snoring through their mouth?

Tell your brother to get Proactive for his acne. It really works. Have him change his pillow case every night, and demand he quit sleeping on his back (a lot of snoring occurs that way). Nose strips might help, but at my house, my husband is using Flonase for allergies, and we've found it drastically reduces the amount of noise coming from his side of the bed.

As for you and your insomnia--have you talked to your dr.? No caffiene? What are you doing or eating right before bedtime. I wouldn't just lay there thinking. Get a book lite and read--something not too energizing. Are you getting exercise? Eating right? Going to bed and waking up on schedule every day? No naps?

You may be one of those of us who need help getting to sleep. First you can try Benedryl. Before it was OTC, it was a prescription sleep aid. The only problem is that some people experience a drag the next day. But it might not bother you.

You can't continue with this insomnia. It's not healthy. If the benedryl or the above suggestions don't work, go see your dr.

TX Mom

Not a medical person

Will Nasal Strips/ Spray work if person is snoring through their mouth?

Get advice from a doctor

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