Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

Hi! On christmas I got a flat iron made by conair. I had my hair straightened by a cousin once last year and I was thinking about doing straight hair (instead of my curly hair) for the first day back after winter break. I have a few questions though...........

Should I straighten it by myself or with help?

Can I straighten it straight after i get out the shower?

Can I starighten it after I put spray (detanglers,shines,hairspray) on it?

What the best system/routine to staighten hair?

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

i have some answers to your questions

Should I straighten it by myself or with help?

well help is always a good thing.. on your sides and in the front straightening your hair can be easy but places in the back where you cant reach or see can be challenging so if someone is avaliable and wants to help thats great!

Can I straighten it straight after i get out the shower?

thats what i do... i blow dry my hair a little and then using the straightener i straighten it

Can I starighten it after I put spray (detanglers,shines,hairspray) on it?

well you can but it would be best to see what effect these things had on your hair when it was straight.. you never know what some things will do o.O

What the best system/routine to staighten hair?

the best way to go about straightening your hair... is to do it as little as possible.. curly hair like yours and mine is often fragile and the more you straighten it the drier it get and the more fragile it gets .. so once in a while is fine but realize that straightening your hair is overall unhealthy for it

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

dont do it ur self

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

if u straighten it ur self, u might miss a few spots at the back so ask a friend to help u.. but not all the time

when get got out of shower n ur hait is wet dry it first n then strighten it. if ur strightener works for wet hair then its ok.

stright ur hait first n then put hair spray so it'll last longer.

put half of ur hair up first n start with bottom layer.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

Things with the hair usually come better if you dont do it yourself.

A girl in my school tried to streighten her hair and now it looks like a giant poodle on her head.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

straighten your hair yourself .

yes, you can straighten it when you get out of the shower .

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

I'll answer you're questions in order

well, getting the back can be tough,so you could ask for some help for that, but the rest you should be able to do on your own

it fries your hair if you do that. you need to blow dry it first or let it air dry..either one, although if your hair doesn't get really frizzy when you blow dry it,it's just not as curly.then blow dry it first, it will help

there are a lot of sprays and gel like stuff you can buy that you put on damp hair that helps straighten and protect your hair from heat..normally it adds shine too. put it on your hair and then either blow dry it or let it air dry, then get to work. put a tiny amount of hairspray in afterr you're all done straightening your hair

the night before straighten it, so when you get up, it might of gotten a little messed up, but you can just go over it really quick to fix it up. don't put hairspray in the night before, put it on when you're completley done doing your hair

also, if you straighten it everyday, your hair will start to fry and get split ends.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

You have to get a routine going, when I first started doing my hair it took me between 1-2 hrs, now it only takes about 15 min. just section some hair and straighten when the iron is fully heated. use a mirror when you're done to check the back-make sure you move the top layer of hair and check underneath too. unless you have a straightener that works on wet hair you shouldn't do it right after a shower, it can damage your hair and makes it really frizzy. you should buy a thermal protective spray to put on it before you straighten and use it everytime you do-this helps to not damage the hair so much. The best routine I would say is blowdry hair as straight as possible, section hair, spray protective spray, go over with straightener until straight, brush, check hair with mirror........hope this helps :)

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

u should try to straighten as much as u can on ur own then let a freind get the spots that u missed ....u can staighten it after the shower ONLY!! if u have a straghtning iron that works on wet hair ..i would put all of those shines and stuff in ur hair after u starighten it but make sure u dont drench it .. the best routinee hmm i do it from the back of my head to the front .

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

First, blowdry your hair when you are out of the shower while brushing your hair . This will give your hair a softer feeling and will give it lift, allowing you to have volume after straightening with the iron so that you won't have flat and unattractive hair. After blowdrying, start to iron sections that didn't straighten out too good. Split your hair down the middle and work one side at a time.The best way is to go natural-do not put any products in your hair before straighting or blowdrying because it may be too sticky and stiff or even cause the hair to be more difficult to style because of the chemicals. Only use them afterwards-to shape or to polish the look.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

I have curly hair and I have recently found a new way to straighten my hair. First I wash it and towel dry it then I put a leave on moose on. I then take a comb and and comb through it and wrap my hair around and get under a dryer. After it is semi dry, I then take my hair out and blow dry it until it is completely straight. I then style it to my liking.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

Don't be disappointed if it doesn't work. My hair is curly too and I've tried every straightening balm/gel there is - cheap to expensive, and every straightening iron there is, and it will stay straight for an hour or so, but slowly the frizz and the curl will creep back in throughout the day. In high school I had it straightened at a salon for a prom (which took a very long time btw), and by the end of the night my hair was curly again. I've come to terms with the fact that I can't have straight hair.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

heres my advice for the routine but try strigtning your hair a few days before the winter break 2 c if u like it can straighten your hair yourself but get some1 to help u with the back..put a little straightning balm/cream on your hair and smooth it in from root 2 tip ...and you can straigtner your hair after u use the cream just dont use loads...%26amp; for straightenin your hair after the shower i would'nt uless the straightners says u can use them on damp hair if not...make sure your hair is dry befor using them...gud luk

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

while there is nothing like a salon blow out, you can get the same results at home, you just have to be patient. first wash your hair and put a good straightening product on it. i use Redken smooth down or Bumble and Bumble straightening, am finding the Redken a little better right now. (cheaper too). you have to blow out your hair when it's still damp (use a round brush. I have super curly hair so i always put a little more product on the ends. your hair should be perfectly dry before using the flat iron before using it, otherwise you will fry it. can use a wet to straight iron and not worry about that problem. either way, over time you can get close to salon results at home....good luck..I do it myself at least once a week. don't use hair spray, etc until you are done...but you can touch up for a few days without washing our your hari.

Straightening Really Curly Hair?

1)u can do the front alone then when u get to places u dont reach, ask some1 2 hepl u!

2) when im in a hurry i do staighten it rite after the shower but they say u mess up the sraightener and ur hair too

3) dont straighten it after u put hairspray or anything, just straighten it alone with out anything.

okay what i do is:

i shower, comb my hair out, let it dry, sraighten it from the front, get help for the back, straighten it all over again, then when im done put baby oil and brush it.

try it!

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